This Stone at Campbell Chapel Cemetery
photographed 1999

This Stone at "Small Campbell Burial Site"
photographed 1997
Transcriptions of Gravestones at Campbell Chapel Cem. and Small Campbell Burial Site

Albert Campbell 
May 20, 1842 - Oct 20, 1908

Elizabeth Campbell
Nov 28, 1841 - Aug 16, 1938

son of A&E Campbell
Died Oct 8, 1873
aged 11 Months & 28 Days

Albert CAMPBELL was born 20 May 1842 in Fountain Co, Ind. He was the son of Bake CAMPBELL and Catherine (MELLINGER) CAMPBELL. When he was just one year old his father, Bake, died. As part of the probate Albert, his brother John, and sister Mary were placed under guardianship. On 8 Feb 1864, Albert received $114. 24 as his part of his father's estate from his guardian, Joseph Glascock1.

On 9 Mar 1869 Albert married Elizabeth BURGNER at Fountain Co, Indiana. Elizabeth was born on 28 Nov 1841 near Lancaster, Ohio. She was the daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth (HARTMAN) BURGNER2. Their son Bake, nicknamed "Little Bake", died as an infant.

Albert was very successful, making several purchases of land. He purchased some property from his sister on 3 Nov 18953. He eventually owned about 300 acres in the area. He sold part of his father's farm on 20 Oct 1902 (following his mother's death)4. This deed specifically excludes the "Family Cemetery" which is now referred to as the "Small Campbell Burial Site" from the sale. Albert was also respected by his Uncle John Campbell as he was made executor of his uncle's estate5.

Besides his business dealings, Albert CAMPBELL was apparently involved in local politics6. What started as a conversation with a friend who was the editor of a newspaper, quickly became a serious problem. In that conversation Albert had seriously criticized John Wilt who was running for Sheriff. As the controversy expanded, there were confrontations and threats of a lawsuit. Albert CAMPBELL became so concerned, that he would possibly lose his financial holdings and that his family would suffer, decided to take his life. He died at his own hand on 20 Oct 1908.

Elizabeth was a member of the old Antioch Christian Church near Hillsboro4. On 16 Aug 1938 she died at her home in Hillsboro as she neared the age of 97.


  1. Cora Campbell b. 2 Feb 1870 Fountain Co, Ind; d. 4 Dec 1958 Crawfordsville, Montgomery Co, Ind; married Charles Rynearson
  2. Bake Campbell b. 11 Oct 1872; d. 8 Oct 1873
  3. Hattie Campbell b. 19 Feb 1874 Fountain Co, Ind; d. 18 Dec 1915 Hillsboro, Ind; married Willard Rusk on 6 Apr 1896 Fountain Co, Ind.
  4. Edna Campbell b. 1 Jan 1877 Fountain Co, Ind; d. 23 Jul 1965 Montgomery Co, Ind; married David Rusk on 31 Oct 1898 Fountain Co, Ind
  5. Mattie Campbell b. 6 Dec 1878 Fountain Co, Ind; d. 6 Feb 1963 Montgomery Co, Ind; married Henry L. Moffett on 11 Aug 1901 Fountain Co, Ind
  6. Frank Campbell b. 2 Oct 1882 Fountain Co, Ind; d. 15 Feb 1973 Fountain Co, Ind; married Sylvia Purdue in Jan 1905



1. Bake Campbell probate, guardianship given to Joseph Glascock of children John, Albert and Mary, Fountain Co., Indiana, Probate Record beginning 1843, County Clerk's Office, Covington, Indiana

2. Elizabeth (Burgner) Campbell obituary, Covington Republican, 19 Aug 1938

3. Fountain County, Indiana Land Records, Bk 68 pg 205, Fountain County Recorder, Covington, Indiana

4. Fountain County, Indiana Land Records, Bk 76 pg 324, Fountain County Recorder, Covington, Indiana

5. John Campbell will, Fountain County, Indiana,  Probate Record

6. Albert Campbell obituary, Covington Republican, 20 Oct 1908

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