and his family

Mary Jane (Campbell) Brant and Christopher Brant

Back Row - Sabina "Sibbie" (Campbell)Epperson
Front Row L-R - Mary (Campbell) Brant; John Wallace Campbell; Elizabeth (Campbell) Chapman

Christopher Brant was born in 1827 in Kentucky1. He mother's given name was Susan2. On 30 Dec 1858 he married Harriet Thompson3. They had one daughter, Jeanette. They may also have had a son4. His wife, Harriet, probably died before 16 May 1866, when he married 2nd to Mary Jane Campbell5. She was born 6 Jan 1841, the daughter of John and Malinda (Frazier) Campbell6.

Christopher must have been quite successful in his business dealings, based on the estate eventually left by his widow, Mary. They had a large home on Rte 136 near the Montgomery Co./ Fountain Co. border. They also provided a home for several family members over the years. In 1860 and 1880, Christopher's mother was living in their household7. Also in 1880 Mary's niece, Nancy Redden, was listed as a servant in their house. In 1900, Christopher's brother James and his wife, Louisa, were living in their home8. Finally in 1920, Christopher's grand-daughter, Hattie (Bever) Loper, was living in the house with his widow, Mary9.

In 1917 Christopher Brant died. Mary survived for another eleven years. She was a member of the Waynetown Baptist Church. She was also a member of the Eastern Star. She died at the home of her sister, Sabina Epperson, on 7 May 1928. Mary left a substantial estate. She left bequests of land and/or money to her siblings, some of their descendants, and to her step-grand-daughter Hattie.

Children of Christopher Brant and Harriet Thompson:

  1. Jeanette Brant b. abt 1860 Fountain Co., Ind.; d. 13 Jul 1919 Fountain Co.; m. Mathias H. Bever 10 Apr 1879 Fountain Co.
Children of Christopher Brant and Mary Jane Campbell: (They had NO CHILDREN)


1. Christopher Brant household, 1870 U.S. Census, Fountain County, Indiana, population schedule, Cain twp.(Birthplace from census); Christopher Brant tombstone, Waynetown Masonic Cemetery, Montgomery Co., Indiana; photographed 1999 (Birth year and Death year from tombstone)

2. Christopher Brant household, 1880 U.S. Census, Fountain County, Indiana, population schedule, Cain twp. (Mother's given name listed in 1880 census)

3. Indiana Works Projects Administration, Index to Marriage Record, Fountain County, Indiana, County reference number Bk 4 pg 375

4. Rememberances of Nellie Shepherd - Interview 1999 -

5. Indiana Works Progress Administration, Index to Marriage Record, Fountain County, Indiana, County reference number Bk 5 pg 445

6. Mary Brant obituary, Crawfordsville Journal and Review, Montgomery Co., Ind., 7 Mar 1928, pg 8, col 1

7. Christopher Brant household, 1860 U.S. Census, Fountain County, Indiana, population schedule, Cain twp. pg 825; Christopher Brant household, 1880 U.S. Census, Fountain County, Indiana, population schedule, Cain twp

8. Christopher Brant household, 1900 U.S. Census, Fountain County, Indiana, population schedule, Cain twp., ED 62 Sht 11 Ln 80

9. Christopher Brant household, 1920 U.S. Census, Fountain County, Indiana, population schedule, Cain twp., ED 68 Sht 13 Ln 92

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