and his Family

Robert Campbell is the probable, but not proven, father of Obadiah Campbell. Robert Campbell died in Sussex County, New Jersey 1776/17771. In his Will executed in 1776, he named his son Daniel as executor. The will was also witnessed by Rachel Campbell. The Will divided the estate between his 3 sons after his wife's death2.

According to the research of Elinor Campbell Brady, Robert's son, Daniel Campbell,  moved to Northumberland County following his father's death. Daniel's wife, Rachel, was possibly Rachel Howe. Elinor Campbell Brady further indicated that Daniel and Obadiah Campbell of Sussex Co., N.J. were listed in the Shamokin Presbyterian Church records as brothers.

Another researcher, Charlotte Walter, listed the father of Obadiah Campbell as John Campbell of Woodbridge, N.J.3 This was based on a Will (Vol 33 pg 51) leaving bequests to sons Robert, James, John, Alexander, Obediah, Enos and an expected child. This second hypothesis is less likely based on the above mentioned church record.

Children of Robert Campbell:(Based on the above information, I have selected the Elinor Campbell Brady hypothesis)

  1. Daniel Campbell named executor of father's estate. Moved to Northumberland Co., Penn. following father's death. Probable wife, Rachel Howe. Listed as brother of Obadiah Campbell in Shamokin Presbyterian Church records. One hadwritten sheet (author unknown) from Northumberland Co. Hist. Soc. listed Daniel's b. as 1738 N.J., d. as 1832 Northumberland Co, and indicated he had a 2nd wife named Elizabeth.
  2. Obadiah Campbell b.abt 1740 N.J.; d. abt Jan 1819; m. Mary Opdyck
  3. Unknown Son

1. David S. Crater, Secretary of State, State of New Jersey Index of Wills, Inventories, Etc., Vol III (1901; reprint, Baltimore, Md.: Clearfield, 2000) pg 1299; reference Robert Campbell will 231S; B18,pg 670;W 1777; Inv 1777

2. Campbell family file, Letter written by Elinor Campbell Brady, 1991. copy from Northumberland County Historical Society, Northumberland County, Pennsylvania

3. Opdyck family file, prepared by Charlotte Walter, 1985, copy from Northumberland County Historical Society, Northumberland County, Pennsylvania

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