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Obadiah Campbell3
Born: 16 Jun 1779 New Jersey
Died: 27 Jul 1865
Married: Elizabeth Shipman
She Born: 13 Feb 1787
She Died: 27 Mar 1866
Personal Information:
Obadiah Campbell1 was born 16 Jun 1779 in New Jersey2. After growing up in Ralpho twp., Northumberland County, he eventually settled on a large tract of land in Columbia County, Pennsylvania. He was engaged in the lumber business four miles east of Elysburg. He owned more than 300 acres of land which was later owned by his grandson Ezra Yocom.
Obadiah married Elizabeth Shipman d/o Nicholas Shipman. She was born 13 Feb 1787 in New Jersey and came to Rockefeller twp., Northumberland County, Penn. with her father's family when she was five years old. Obadiah was a Democrat. He was captain of a military company for thirteen years. He died on 27 Jul 1865 and was followed in death by his wife on 27 May 18663. Though Obadiah was a Presbyterian, he was buried in Sharp Ridge Methodist Cemetery.
Children of Obadiah and Elizabeth (Shipman) Campbell4:
1. Most personal information was extracted from a large biographical sketch in the book: "Genealogical and Biographical Annals of Northumberland County, Pennsylvania," (pub J.L. Floyd & Co., 1911), pg278. Most personal information was extracted from this source.
2. Transcription of graves at Sharp Ridge Methodist Cemetery, Mayberry twp., Mantour County, Pennsylvania, supplied by Northumberland County Historical Society, Northumberland County, Pennsylvania. Birthdates for Obadiah and his wife from this source.; Genealogical and Biographical Annals of Northumberland County, Pennsylvania, pg 278. Obadiah Campbell birthplace from this source.
3.Transcription of Graves at Sharp Ridge Methodist Cemetery. Death dates for family group members from this source.
4. Gen. and Bio. Annals of Northumberland Co., Penn. Names and other information on children from this source.
5. Birth and Death dates for Obadiah and his wife from Transcription of Sharp Ridge Methodist Cem. Birth and Death dates for Obadiah and his wife from this source.; Gen. & Bio. Annals of Northumberland Co., Penn., pg 278. Other personal information from this source. There is a separate write-up on both Obadiah S.and son, Edgar pgs 278/279.
6. Gen. & Bio. Annals of Northumberland Co., Penn.,There is a separate write-up on both John and son, Delmer F. pgs 279/280.