and their Family

Henry Moffett was born on 11 Dec 1875 in Fountain County, Indiana1. He resided many years near Hillsboro and moved to Waynetown a few years before his death on 15 Apr 1951. He was the son of William and Martha (Cade) Moffett. He was a member of the Waynetown Christian church.

On 11 Aug 1901 he married Mattie Campbell2. She was born on 6 Dec 1878 in Fountain County and was the daughter of Albert and Elizabeth (Burgner) Campbell. She was president of the Flower Lovers Club and the Cain Township Home Economics Club. She died on 6 Feb 1963 in Crawfordsville, Montgomery Co., Ind. She was buried by her husband in Waynetown Masonic Cemetery3.

Children of Henry and Mattie (Campbell) Moffett:

  1. Russell Moffett b. 1903; d. 1955; m. Opal B. (surname not known). She b. 1906; d. 1989. Both were buried in Waynetown Masonic Cemetery.


1. Henry Moffett entry, Montgomery County Deaths, Bk H-38 pg 23, Health Department, Crawfordsville, Indiana. The location of Henry Moffet's birth and other personal information from Henry Moffett obituary; Veedersburg News, Veedersburg, Fountain County, Indiana, 20 Apr 1951

2. Mattie Campbell entry,  Montgomery County Deaths, Bk CH-49 pg 55, Health Department, Crawfordsville, Indiana. The location of Mattie Campbell's birth and other personal information from Mattie Moffett obituary, Veedersburg News, 8 Feb 1963.

3. Transcription of gravestones at Waynetown Masonic Cemetery, Waynetown, Montgomery County, Indiana, prepared by local society, supplied by Crawfordsville Public Library, Crawfordsville, Indiana.  Birth and death dates of their son, Russell, and his wife, Opal, from transcriptions.

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